Open Daily 10am – 4pm
111 Princes Hwy, Yarragon, VIC | 03 5634 2229
Lynne Bickhoff After the Boonado Australian landscape artist, Town & Country Gallery, Gippsland

Lynne Bickhoff


Lynne Bickhoff feels an affinity with the words of Frida Kahlo:

“I paint my own reality.  The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration”. 

Lynne draws inspiration from the landscapes she has formed strong connections with, particularly those where she has lived. Her emotional responses to these places compel and guide her artwork, resulting in interpretive pieces capturing a mood, more so than realistic representation. Each landscape possesses its own unique energy; her works inspired by life in remote outback Queensland, exhibit a distinct colour palette and energy compared to those reflecting her lifestyle experiences in coastal NSW and rural Gippsland, Victoria.
The painting process for Lynne is almost meditative, allowing her the freedom to reflect and rekindle past emotions. She enjoys working in mixed media, combining acrylic and polymer paint with inks, shellac, conte crayon, oil sticks, and charcoal, creating paintings with the depth and layering found in the landscapes of life.

Selection of current works